Building Commissioning and Testing Agents
Cx Techs Inc through its principals has been involved in commissioning of buildings for over 20 years providing owners with confirmed operation of buildings efficiently and cost effectively. We have provided commissioning for new and existing buildings of all types. Cx Techs Inc is dedicated to the effective, efficient and economic building commissioning process.
Our commissioning standard is based on AHRAE guideline 0-2005, PECI commissioning guide, AABC commissioning procedures, Building Commissioning Association, and adherence to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards. Currently its principals are members of NFPA and BCA and have been certified by ACG as CxA personnel.
Cx Techs Inc. provides its’ clients with a total of over 30 years of experience in independent third party commissioning. We have provided services as commissioning agents (CxA) and also as owner’s technical representatives for a variety of building types and systems.